Building the BACnet Stack on OS X

The open source BACnet stack written and maintained by Steve Karg doesn’t build out of the box on OS X Yosemite. Here’s how I got it working for version 0.8.2:

  • Make sure you have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed.

  • Download the latest version from Sourceforge and extract it into a folder.

  • Edit the Makefile located in the demo/ folder. Find the BSD section that looks like this:

    ifeq (${BACNET_PORT},bsd)
    PFLAGS = -pthread

    Remove the part about gcc so it looks like this:

    ifeq (${BACNET_PORT},bsd)
    PFLAGS = -pthread
  • Save and exit the Makefile.

  • Build the stack by specifying the BSD port:

    BACNET_PORT=bsd make

    Once the build finishes, you should now have all the demo binaries inside of the bin/ folder.

I’ve reached out to Steve and hopefully this will be fixed in the next release.

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